Orange Tree

Fruit tree of sun-drenched regions with mild winters, always bright green leaves, non-odorous and straight trunk. Its small white flowers with five petals exhale a sweet fragrance that delights the senses. It prefers light, well-drained, non-calcareous soil.

From the Arabic naranga “orange”. A naranguage is quickly passed into pronunciation to an archangel. When the fruit appeared in northern France around 1200, it was called pume orenge (orange apple and it was called bitter orange). The o- would come from an interpretation of orange apple, as apple (from the city) of Orange, since the oranges came from the South.

Originally from China, the fruit was then used to stimulate digestion and to calm down in medicine. It has been found in India, around the Mediterranean and in the United States and South America since the 15th century.

Its fruit, orange, was a luxury food before becoming in the 20th century the most famous and most consumed citrus fruit.

The “orangeries” of the European royal courts testify to the enthusiasm for citrus trees. Orange is one of the thirteen desserts on the Christmas table in Provence.

Indications :

– To purify the atmosphere / Digestive disorders / Anxiety, stress and nervousness

Synergies :

– To purify the air in depth, combine with essential oils of Pine, Cedar or Eucalyptus radiata

– For an amplified effect on digestion, combine with essential oils of tropical basil or Ginger.

– To treat anxiety disorders and produce a relaxing effect, combine with fine Lavender or Petitgrain bitter orange oil.

Yield :

It takes 20kg of zest to obtain 1 litre of essential oil